Wow did I actually manage to get another bee sting?! Sure looks like it! today its all black, blue, red, and puffy.
On a happier note, I made carrot spice muffins today! They were everything I didnt expect them to be. THEY WERE AMAZING. And Jim-approved. Since they arent pancake I wont write a formal review on them, but here is the Lizified version of the recipe:
1.5 c whole wheat four
1t soda
1t baking powder
1 heaping ginormous t cinnamon
1 heaping t nutmeg
.5 grande t ginger powder
.5 rounded t allspice, plus some just cuz it smells real good
1 scoop whey protein
1/3 c honey
1 organic cage-free egg
.5 c skim milk
1/3 c applesauce
.5 t vanilla
1.5c grated carrots
Mix flour-protein, mix honey to carrots, them mix together just untill blended. Bake @ 375 for 13 minutes!!!
Jim gave me the idea of making them into pancake form, which sounds delicious!! I dont know when ill get around to making them since ill be on vacation for 2 weeks, but ill be sure to write a review. I went ahead and took the liberty of naming them after Jim since it was his idea, I call them "Jimcakes"!!
About this vacation, I leave tomorrow for my camp in the Adirondacks! Ill be sure to do a ton of biking, running, swimming, climbing, eatting, and whatnot. I just hope ill be able to find a group to bike with, its no fun doing it alone! I will have to do the skating workouts everyday on my own though, which will be fun since its the hard week and the pain train week... My brother and Anne (his fiancee) are taking me to Montreal on Sunday to see a rhinos game. While were there well get some bubbletea,poutine, and "crack pizza"! (its very addicting). The stampede wont be there, it will only be us 3 from Rochester cheering the team on! If youve heard the story about what happened to us last time we went to montreal for a rhinos game, youll understand that we are reasonably nervous. We are trying to keep it low-key this time since there are fewer of us to defend ourselves. This means no face paint, and we will be driving NOT walking... If you havent heard this story, last year when we went with the stampede, we were ambushed by some Montreal fans and they beat us up pretty good, the worst of it was the mace, got one guy right in the eyes. Then we had a problem because the police couldnt (or didnt want to) speak english. Well see how it goes!
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